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They believed that with the right amount of power, they could be turned into hawks.

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Q: What were the beliefs of those known as hawks?
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How do top-level consumers such as hawks depend on sunlight for their food?

Most ecosystems ultimately rely on sunlight as the source of energy. Sunlight is used by plants to manufacture food. Plants are eaten by herbivores, and herbivores are in turn eaten by top-level consumers like hawks. Therefore hawks ultimately depend on sunlight for their food. At the bottom of the sea, near thermal vents, scientists have discovered new ecosystems that do not rely on sunlight, but on the chemicals and heat present at those vents as a source of energy for bacteria, which are eaten by larger organisms. The top level consumers in those ecosystems do not depend on sunlight for their food.

How top level consumers such as hawks depend on sunlight for their food?

Most ecosystems ultimately rely on sunlight as the source of energy. Sunlight is used by plants to manufacture food. Plants are eaten by herbivores, and herbivores are in turn eaten by top-level consumers like hawks. Therefore hawks ultimately depend on sunlight for their food. At the bottom of the sea, near thermal vents, scientists have discovered new ecosystems that do not rely on sunlight, but on the chemicals and heat present at those vents as a source of energy for bacteria, which are eaten by larger organisms. The top level consumers in those ecosystems do not depend on sunlight for their food.

What are the northern cardinal's enemies?


Does Joe Johnson from Atlanta Hawks have a girlfriend?

No He Does Not

What is the habitat of a cardinal?

Cooper's hawks, sharp shinned hawks, and shrikes may take a few.

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What was the difference between hawks and doves?

Those who advocated for the United States' withdrawal from Vietnam were generally known as doves. They called their opposition hawks.

Who are the people who die for their religious beliefs?

Those are known as "martyrs".

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doves are anti-war and hawks are pro-war doves;hawks

Members of Congress who pressed for war against Britain were known as war what?

Before the Revolutionary war, those who wanted to declare war on Britain were called War Hawks. They were a part of the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia, 1774.

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Will hawks eat sparrows?

Accipiter hawks like the European sparrow hawk and the sharp shinned and Cooper's hawks of North America do, as does the falcon known as the kestrel.

Are roadrunners the only birds known to kill and eat rattlesnakes?

No..They are sometimes killed by hawks, like redtailed hawks.

What are the predators of the pileated woodpecker?

Predatory birds such as eagles or hawks are known to eat downy woodpeckers.

Term for those who viewed the Vietnam Conflict as necessary?

"Hawks" .

Do hawks eat cardinals?

Yes, sometimes hawks are known to eat cardinals

Are there facts about baptists not commonly known?

Although there are certain traditions among those that profess to be Baptists it is not well known that EACH individual congregation has its own covenant and beliefs.

Do hawks live in deserts?

Yes, there are hawks that live in deserts. The most common deserts where hawks reside are those near the southwest and Mexico.