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Q: What were the benefits of steam boat travel?
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Who far can a steam boat travel in one day?

it can travel nothing

How did steamboats revolutionize travel?

Steam boats did not need wind to carry them along. for a steam boat you were not at the mercy of the wind.

How did japanese immigrants travel to america in the late 19 hundreds?

the japanese used steam boat to travel to the u.s

What are the benefits of a steam train?

You can travel faster than a horse or a carriage and you can travel further wasting small energy.

Riverboat with a stream powers engine that could travel up-or downstream?

A riverboat with a steam powered engine that could travel either upstream or downstream was called a steam boat.

What was a steam boat?

That is a boat driven by steam power.

What advantages did steam boat travel have over wagon and hove travel?

The advantages of steamboats over horse traveling was that steamboats were much faster and cheaper.

How did the steam engine effect the everyday life of an American?

It made travel way faster for people, specifically by boat.

What was the effect of the steam boat?

The negative effect of a steam boat is that it causes a fire and can explode due to steam pressure.

How did the steam boat impact in the world?

it helped transport goods to places and it let us travel over water easier

What was a negative effect of the steam boat?

The negative effect of a steam boat is that it causes a fire and can explode due to steam pressure.

What is the difference between a steam boat and a train?

a steam boat is on the water and a train is on railroad tracks