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Q: What were the contrasting visions of Lincoln and Jefferson Davis?
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Who was the president of the confedracy?

Abe Lincoln, im sure but if not just look it up!

Who violated the constitution more Lincoln or Jefferson Davis during the civil war?

Jefferson Davis

Was Jefferson Davis president of the union?

No. Jefferson Davis was the president of the Confederacy. (Abraham Lincoln was the president of the union.)

Who was elected president when the southern stated seceded?

Abraham Lincoln was the president-elect when the Southern states began to secede. Some of them seceded after he was inaugurated as President.

What was Jefferson Davis' position in Lincoln's cabinet?

When Lincoln was US President, Jefferson Davis was President of the Confederate States of America, fighting the Union in the Civil War

What is a good project to compare and contrast Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis?

A good way to compare Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis is to make a Venn Diagram

Is Jefferson Davis on the reverse side of the Lincoln memorial?

The back of Lincoln's head as dipicted at the Lincoln Memorial, supposedly looks like that of Jefferson Davis. However, upon seeing the memorial for myself I have concluded that it does not resemble Davis' head.

Who were Jefferson Davis's half brothers?

abraham lincoln

Who were the presidents of the North and South during the US Civil War?

Abraham Lincoln for the Union; Jefferson Davis for the Confederacy

What did Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis suspend the right of?

Lincoln suspended habus corpus. Davis didn't have the constitutional right.

What is the birthplace of both Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln?

Jefferson Davis was born in Christian City, Kentucky. Abraham Lincoln was born in Hodgenville, Kentucky. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President until he was assassinated in 1865.

Who did the Republicans nominate as their 1860 presidential candidate?

Abraham Lincoln