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The first four presidents made many treaties with Indian nation that had many effects and outcomes on Americans. In 1830 Congress passed the Indian Removal Act that allowed the president to make treaties with Native Americans. Although this law did not allow president Jackson to remove the Indians by force he did. This resulted in many protests over the treatment of Indians. Despite the Indian resistance Jackson had managed to push the Indians and further conflict across the Mississippi.

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Q: What were the details and outcomes of the treaties negotiated between the first four presidents and the Indian nations?
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What were the details and outcomes of the treaties negotiated between the first four presidents and Indian nations?

The first four presidents made many treaties with Indian nation that had many effects and outcomes on Americans. In 1830 Congress passed the Indian Removal Act that allowed the president to make treaties with Native Americans. Although this law did not allow president Jackson to remove the Indians by force he did. This resulted in many protests over the treatment of Indians. Despite the Indian resistance Jackson had managed to push the Indians and further conflict across the Mississippi.

What were the details and outcomes of the treaties negotiated between the first four presidents and Indian nation?

The first four presidents made many treaties with Indian nation that had many effects and outcomes on Americans. In 1830 Congress passed the Indian Removal Act that allowed the president to make treaties with Native Americans. Although this law did not allow president Jackson to remove the Indians by force he did. This resulted in many protests over the treatment of Indians. Despite the Indian resistance Jackson had managed to push the Indians and further conflict across the Mississippi.

What were the details and outcomes of the treaties negotiated between the first four presidents and Indians?

The first four presidents made many treaties with Indian nation that had many effects and outcomes on Americans. In 1830 Congress passed the Indian Removal Act that allowed the president to make treaties with Native Americans. Although this law did not allow president Jackson to remove the Indians by force he did. This resulted in many protests over the treatment of Indians. Despite the Indian resistance Jackson had managed to push the Indians and further conflict across the Mississippi.

What were the details and outcomes of the treaties between the first four presidents and Indian nations?

The first four presidents made many treaties with Indian nation that had many effects and outcomes on Americans. In 1830 Congress passed the Indian Removal Act that allowed the president to make treaties with Native Americans. Although this law did not allow president Jackson to remove the Indians by force he did. This resulted in many protests over the treatment of Indians. Despite the Indian resistance Jackson had managed to push the Indians and further conflict across the Mississippi.

What are agreements between nations that are signed and approved by each nation?

Often times an agreement between two or more nations are called "Treaties". Major treaties that are negotiated by the US Dept. of State, must be ratified by the US Senate.Generally speaking, most nations negotiate treaties but they are not finalized until another part of their government approves the treaty.

What is the definition of treaties?

Treaties Formal agreements between nations

What treaties between allies often conflicted with the concept of self-determination?

Secret treaties between countries. The treaties can cause war and that is why WWI started.

What was 3 outcomes of the camp david accords?

First was a process for Palestinian self-government in the West Bank and Gaza. Then there was framework for the conclusion of a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, and then a similar framework for peace treaties between Israel and its other neighbors.

Why were the treaties created?

Treaties were made to settle disagreements between two groups.

What do treaties achieve?

You may be inclined to think that Treaties achieve nothing at all. They are only good for the day on which they are written. Treaties are not necessarily permanent. Treaties allow withdrawal or may forbid withdrawal. Parties may, and often do, violate treaties, so the party in question may be suspended or membership may be cancelled. Treaties may be re-negotiated. Historical Treaties have deprived Natives of their own land without compensation. . On the contrary however, some formal statements between two or more States, parties or even individuals, do allow for a success in peace, commerce and other international relations

Who negotiated peace between israel and Egypt?

Camp David Accords

How did treaties affect the relationship between First Nations people?

Treaties varied in their impact on the relationship between First Nations people and colonial powers. Some treaties resulted in land dispossession, forced relocation, and loss of autonomy for Indigenous communities. Other treaties were beneficial, guaranteeing rights, protections, and resources for First Nations people. Overall, treaties significantly shape the ongoing relationship between Indigenous peoples and the government today.