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Q: What were the discrimination faced by minorities during World War 2?
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What are obstacles to economic independence and political freedom that Blacks faced during and after Reconstruction in the South?

Black people still faced widespread discrimination by whites. Eventually the Jim Crow laws were passed which segregated blacks from many parts of society and kept most of them from voting.

What does the discrimination faced by the African Americans tell you about the north?

That most Northerners were not fervently anti-slavery.

How were the blacks descriminated againtst in World War 2?

During World War 2, African Americans faced significant discrimination within the military and society. They were often assigned to segregated units and given menial tasks, denying them the opportunity for combat roles and advancement. African American soldiers also faced systemic racism and segregation within military facilities, such as separate living quarters and limited access to amenities. Additionally, in civilian life, African Americans faced discrimination in employment, housing, and public services.

Did African Americans fight in racially segregated units during World War 1?

Yes, African Americans faced discrimination in the military. They were placed in all-black units, of which only 10 percent were sent to combat. Most African American troops were confined to such noncombat duties as unloading ships, working in kitchens, or constructing barracks.

What were living conditions like at Camp Harmony?

Living conditions at Camp Harmony, a temporary assembly center for Japanese Americans during World War II, were cramped and difficult. Families were housed in hastily converted horse stalls and barracks, with limited privacy and inadequate sanitation facilities. The living quarters were often overcrowded, making it difficult to maintain hygiene and comfort. Overall, the living conditions were far from ideal and reflected the hardships and discrimination faced by Japanese Americans during this time.

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-food and other rationing -Stress over friends or relatives in the war -for minorities and women, massive pay discrimination in jobs

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The biggest difficulty minorities and women faced in the workforce during World War 2 was being thrust into unfamiliar jobs

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Discrimination faced by one identity group is the same as discrimination faced by another because it is often based on the same thing --- intolerance.

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a. Lack of access to health services b. Stress of living with discrimination c. Poverty d. Genetics

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Ethnic minorities in the West have faced various forms of discrimination, including racial profiling, hate crimes, unequal access to education and employment opportunities, and systemic racism in institutions such as law enforcement and housing. Additionally, they may experience microaggressions and stereotypes that perpetuate negative perceptions and hinder their social and economic advancement.

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Uncle Tom's Cabin

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The Holocaust itself Persecutions by the Nazis Discrimination across Europe

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Feed black people faced discrimination and limited opportunities in Northern cities. While the North did not have slavery, there was still a great amount or racism and prejudice.

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Americans of direct German background.

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