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Q: What were the economic benefits of the triangle trade for the europeans and the colonists?
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What were the economic benefits of the triangle for the europeans and the colonists?


What were the economic benefits of the triangle trade for the Europeans and colonists?


What were the economic benefits of the triangle trade for the Europeans and the Colonist?


What where the economic benefits of the triangle for the European's and the colonists?

You need to answer this prompt and show your critical thinking skills and how well you understood the lesson. We don’t do homework for students.

What were the Economic benefits of the triangle trade?

The shippers, buyers, and sellers all made money on the goods and slaves they sold and received.

Who brought all the slaves to America?

The Slaves initially arrived in the Americas because of the slave triangle, this was where the Europeans, travelled to Africa and took the Slaves to America, after which they returned to Europe completing the triangle.

What was the second phase of the triangle trade?

The second phase of the triangle trade involved the transportation of enslaved Africans from Africa to the Americas to be sold as laborers on plantations. This phase was known as the Middle Passage.

Was the slave trade so profitable because of the demand for slaves or the trade triangle?

It was profitable for everyone concerned, the Europeans had free labour working their plantations which brought about huge profits and the slave suppliers (rival African tribes and others )sold people (without a cost of production ) to Europeans in exchange for things like Rum and weapons. Everyone except for the slaves, profited from the triangle.

Did the Jamestown colonists build a triangle-shaped fort along the river?

Yes they did because it was an easier way to defend themselves and gave them the ability to see from different directions

What happen in the triangle trade?

The Slave Trade Triangle. During the slave trade there were three stages (hence the name "the slave trade triangle"). In the first stage, Europeans bought enslaved Africans in exchange for goods shipped from Europe. In the second stage, Africans were forced onto ships to go across the Atlantic Ocean to America (also known as the "middle passage"). When finally reaching America, the Africans that had survived the intensely long journey were sold as slaves to work on plantations Finally, in the third stage, the Europeans would travel back to Europe loaded with goods produced on plantations using slave labour. It would take up to one whole year for the slave trade triangle to be completed.

What happened in the slave trade triangle?

The Slave Trade Triangle. During the slave trade there were three stages (hence the name "the slave trade triangle"). In the first stage, Europeans bought enslaved Africans in exchange for goods shipped from Europe. In the second stage, Africans were forced onto ships to go across the Atlantic ocean to America (also known as the "middle passage"). When finally reaching America, the Africans that had survived the intensely long journey were sold as slaves to work on plantations Finally, in the third stage, the Europeans would travel back to Europe loaded with goods produced on plantations using slave labour. It would take up to one whole year for the slave trade triangle to be completed.

Why did slavery emerge in America?

The colonists traded rum and mollasses with africa in exchange for slaves it was called the triangle trade.August of 1619 when a ship carrying slaves from Africa docked in Jamestown, Virginia. Prior to that date there were no slaves held by Europeans in what is now the USA, although many Indian tribes enslaved captives from rival tribes. Economic conditions in the southern colonies encouraged the use of slaves. The practice spread to the north, particularly New York and Connecticut. It was less in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, two colonies established for religious reasons, and which for just such reasons opposed slavery. New York abolished slavery in 1827. Ok Thanks But How Did American's Find Out About It At First If It Was To Be Hidden ?