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Q: What were the effects of manifest destiny on wealthy men and did manifest destiny provide oppurtinities for the poor?
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What were the effects of manifest destiny on wealthy men and did manifest destiny provide opportunities for the poor?

The effects were that wealthy man got more opportunity's and it opened up more doors for the poor but it didn't go over the wealthy mean.

Use the primary sources attached to answer the following question: Was Manifest Destiny Justified?

Manifest Destiny was the belief that it was the United States' destiny and duty to expand its control and influence from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The primary sources attached to this question provide different perspectives on whether Manifest Destiny was justified. The first primary source, a speech given by John L. O'Sullivan in 1845, is in support of Manifest Destiny. O’Sullivan argues that the United States has a right and a duty to expand its control and influence, as the country was founded on the principles of freedom and democracy. He states that it is the United States' "manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions." The second primary source, a speech given by Chief Seattle in 1854, is in opposition to Manifest Destiny. Chief Seattle argues that Manifest Destiny is an imperialistic endeavor that will bring destruction and death to the Indigenous peoples of North America. He states that the "White Man” will take their land and resources, and that their culture will be destroyed in the process. It is difficult to determine whether Manifest Destiny was justified, as it depends on the individual's perspective. Some may argue that Manifest Destiny was justified, as it allowed the country to expand its influence and spread democracy throughout the continent. Others may argue that Manifest Destiny was not justified, as it brought destruction and death to Indigenous peoples and their cultures.

Reading essays reveals a dark side to manifest destiny what is the dark side?

anywayDark Side of the Chant

Why was the concept of manifest destiny such as appealing one to Americans in the 1840s?

It was the “destiny” of the United States to expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific and, some believed, we would also benefit the economy of the nation if we expanded south into Mexico and north into Canada. Americans in the mid 1800s came to believe that they had an obligation to increase the domain over which their democracy and liberty would benefit all. Economically, Manifest Destiny was favored by industrialists, businessmen, and the developing transportation industry. We would acquire the needed raw materials and also provide products to sell to the peoples in the areas we controlled. Politicians favored Manifest Destiny because it would expand our system of government into areas that were corrupt or incompetent. Most of the public supported Manifest Destiny because it brought a feeling of pride in our nation, a patriotic and nationalistic duty to help others.

How did manifest destiny set the stage for America imperialism at the end of the 19th century?

Yes, without a doubt it did set the stage for a new Manifest Destiny that expanded American control beyond our natural borders. It became apparent to "jingos" like Teddy Roosevelt that in order to provide new markets for our industrial products and in a better effort to provide for the defense of the nation, we would need coaling stations for our navy and commercial shipping. That could only be achieved through Imperialism. Also, Social Darwinism was a belief particular to the age. Many felt that it was their Christian duty to civilize the savage peoples and use the natural resources of the lands to their best advantage.

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There are large number of effects in power point. These effects provide the animation to the slide.

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