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in the begining there was the word


The first words spoken by Jesus as recorded in the gospel of John were, "What do you seek?" (Chapter 1, verse 38)

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Q: What were the first words Jesus said in the book of John?
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The Book of John is one of the four Gospels in the New Testament, focusing on the life and teachings of Jesus. First John, on the other hand, is an epistle or letter in the New Testament attributed to John, the disciple of Jesus, addressing various issues within the early Christian community such as love, faith, and obedience.

What is the first old testament book that told about Jesus death?

The Gospels talk about the life and death of Jesus. There are four: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

What are the first 3 words of the gospel of John?

"In the beginning. . ." same at the first three words in the book of Genesis (Old Testament).

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I don't know which blessing that you're referring to, but the books with the words of Jesus are found in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

What are the first three words of the New Testament?

FIRST THREE WORDS OF THE NEW TESTAMENTThere are 27 books in all in the New Testament. The first book is Matthew. The first three words in the first verse of the first chapter of Matthew (Matthew 1:1) are: "The book of..." The complete verse of Matthew 1:1 in the King James Version of the New Testament reads "The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham."Matthew 1:1 in the New International Version reads: "A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham."

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What does disrobing Jesus mean in the book of john?

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Jesus is mentioned the most in the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Of the gospel books -- the name of Jesus is mentioned in the book of John more than another other book.

What kin was John the disciple to Jesus Christ?

Found in the last book of the Gospels, John was a cousin to Jesus and it was John that while on the cross that He told John to take care of Mary (His earthly mother). This can be found in the book of John 19:26-27.

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The only New Testament book that doesn't contain the name "Jesus" is III John.

Jesus wept is in what book of the Bible?

Book of John, Chapter 11 verse 35.