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Not eat people for 2 days. What a sure is awkward

P.S. Do you smell butter?

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Q: What were the goals people wanted to achieve in colonial Rhode Island?
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What were the people of colonial Georgia?

The colonial people in Georgia were people from England who wanted a better life than what they had in England.

In colonial times the word referred to people who did what?

patriots in colonial times wanted freedom from Britain.

What did patriots mean in colonial times?

The Patriots, in colonial times, referred to people who wanted freedom from Britain's control.

Is a puritan a colonial leader?

no a puritan is not a colonial leader. because the puritans only wanted people to know about there religon.

Did people in the colonial time go to new york for the jobs?

No. If they wanted a job, it was where they were at.

In colonial times the word patriots referred to people who?

They wanted freedom from British.

Why did people settle in new Hampshire in colonial times?

Because they wanted to create a fishing colony.

How did Buddha want people to live their lives?

he wanted them to try and achieve enlightenment

How did the developement of colonial governments lead to the American revolution?

People in the colonies no longer wanted to be ruled by the British Parliament.

How did the development of colonial governments lead to the American Revolution?

People in the colonies no longer wanted to be ruled by the British Parliament.

What did the suffragettte's do to achieve what they wanted?

They did everything they could do to achieve what they wanted and look know they can vote

How did people get clothes in colonial times?

In Colonial times, people made 90% of their own clothes. The common exceptions were overcoats, hats and boots, which were usually "bespoke" work: You told the craftsman what you wanted, paid the money, and they made it for you.