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Q: What were the house of nobles like in the middle ages?
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If you were a knight in the middle ages what did your house look like?

Knights were nobles ( no common man was a knight) so they were living in a manor or castle.

What did the nobles do in the Middle Ages?

Nobles in the Middle Ages are like managers now a day. Taking care of their land and managing their household or land. Noble men were forced to go and fight in war though and while they were away their wife took control of the land. So they had the overall power until their husband returned.

What did serfs look like in the middle ages?

a serfs house was plane and old

What percent of population in the Middle Ages were knights?

Since knights were nobles I would guess 10% tops but probably more like 5-8%. _________ Far lower. Probably nearer 1%.

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The relationships in the middle ages were hard. They had to work on the farms and cook for themselves.

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What was the life of nobles like in the middle ages?

Most historians predict that it was 25-35 for a normal human. However, you must remember that for a nobleman or King then you could expect to live well into your 60's or 70's. Although some normal people could live until their 50's/60's if they were treated well by their local nobleman, which was unlikely but some did live to this age.

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Some duties that women had back in the middle ages where things like cooking and cleaning.Makeing weapons.

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