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Q: What were the major goals and principles of American foreign policy from 1865 1914?
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Dollar Diplomacy

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A country's foreign policy, called the international relations policy, consists of strategies chosen by the state to safeguard its national interests and to achieve its goals in international relations.

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As part of his foreign policy goals, President Grant attempted to annex Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic).

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Foreign policy is all the strategies and goals that guide a nation's dealings with other countries.

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he thought about them

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American investments in Latin America increased

Niccolo Machiavelli and American foreign policy?

Niccolo Machiavelli was a political theorist known for his pragmatic views on leadership and power. Some aspects of American foreign policy, such as realpolitik and a focus on strategic interests, align with Machiavelli's ideas of using cunning and calculated actions to advance national goals. However, Machiavelli's emphasis on amoral behavior and ruthless tactics may not fully reflect the ethical framework that often shapes American foreign policy decisions.