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Q: What were the migration patterns of British and Spanish settlers in North America?
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Which settlers were few while the British settlers were many By the middle of the 1700s in North America?

The French settlers.

What was the great trek of 1830?

The Great Trek was the migration by Dutch settlers away from British control in what is now South Africa.

What were the accusations against the British in North America?

the British was accusations was that they were stealing land and selling it to the settlers that build houses but that is all i know

Was it worth the British coming to American?

Yes, they settled the area successfully before the settlers decided they wanted to be independant. The British settlement made America what it is today.

Was Canada originally called british north America?

British North AmericaYes, it was called British North America. This was to designate where we now call Canada. It was called British North America because the British had control over hear and it was to the North of America (It still is). The AcadiansIf you are wondering about the Acadians they lived in where we now call Atlantic Canada but they call Acadia. The Acadians were French Immigrants/Settlers.

How did the british end up in America?

The majority of the English settlers that came to America were influenced by the travels of Spanish conquistadors and they came with the mission of having religious freedoms.

Who were the War Hawks Why did they support the British?

frontier settlers and farmers of the West and South who wanted to expand America's frontiers

What similarities exist between the Loyalist migration and the Great Migration?

They were both british

Who were the people who settled in the British isles?

the first british settlers in australia were exiled convicts

What are negative examples of cultural diffusion?

the french and british settlers that came to north America who essentially destroyed native American culture

Who colonized Central America and South America?

Spanish settlers, from Mexico City, and Panama, and Portuguese conqueror's, in Brazil.

What nationality were the first settlers in Canada?

British and French were the first settlers of Canada.