

What were the names of some of the jew's in hiding?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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Anne frank.

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Q: What were the names of some of the jew's in hiding?
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How did the Green Police and Gestapo find the Jews that were hiding?

They had a list of the names of Jews and some people turned them in if they found out about them hiding.

What were the names of the Jews that were hiding in Anne Franks attic?

Peter, margot, anne frank, mum, dad

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they werent, some jews were hiding

How did some Jews servive the Holocaust?

Some Jews went into hiding and never got found. Some other Jews had servived the camps and the camps were liberated before the people died. also some Jews were helped by friends and family.

Why are the Franks in hiding in the Diary of Anne Frank?

they were in hiding because they were Jews and Hitler was going to kill all the Jews.

Did people that were hiding in the Holocaust die?

Some of the people that were hiding in the Holocaust died, while others were sent to concentration camps. Though brutal, some Jews survived.

How Did non- Jew's save Jews from the horrors of nazism?

Some people were hiding some Jewish people. Some would secretly bring them food and blankets and supplies. Some knew where some were hiding but they didn't tell on them. and like Oscar shindler they had the Jews work for them until the war was over.

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The Jews did not like what theprophets had to say, so some went into hiding.

What are some rules of the Nazis?

Nazi's were absolute jerks! They killed all Jews & anyone who was hiding them. dummies

How did Jew's move to there hiding spot?

First, the question should read:How did Jews move to their hiding spot?Assuming the question is meant seriously, it is unanswerable.• Jews move the same way anyone else does.• Which Jews, where, when, and what sort of hiding spot?• Permanently move to a permanent hiding spot, or temporarily move to a temporary hiding spot?

How did the Jews find out they were going to ghettos?

There were signs posted all over the local areas. Some Jews reacted by going into hiding, some left for Switzerland and other places they could get to.

Who turned Jews in when they heard they were hiding?

Informers. There were cash rewards for turning in Jews.