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Their prisoner numbers.

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Q: What were the numbers tatooed on the holocaust people?
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What did the Nazi's use to put the numbers on the peoples hands?

they were tatooed on

Who was trapped in the Holocaust?

People commonly trapped in the holocaust were Jews. Other numbers of people were, gypsy familys, homosexuals, the disabled, soviet prisoners of war...

How did they do roll call during Holocaust?

during the holocaust the Jewish had numbers tattoed on them when they were in the concentration camp these numbers represented who they are this was how they would take roll by looking at the numbers

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The reason why maori tatooed their faces was because it was shown for some kind of religion.

People who dont believe in the Holocaust?

People who do not believe that the holocaust took place are known as 'holocaust deniers.'

Did only Jews have numbers tatooed onto their arms at Auschwitz or were Polish political prisoners also forced to have numbers as well?

All prisoners who were forced labourers at the Auschwitz complex of camps had a number tattooed on them. Tattooed numbers were not used at other camps.

Who were the second people attacked by the Holocaust?

The Holocaust did not and could not attack people.

Why do people get so much of their body tatooed?

It's just personal choice I suppose, I wouldn't have it but if they like it it's up to them

How old do you have to be to be tatooed?

18 in most states.

What role did technology play in the carrying out of the Nazi Holocaust?

Technology played a massive role in the Holocaust; it was known as the first industrialised mass murder. Technology allowed for the killing of great numbers of people and the disposal of their remains.

Are there Jews still alive with numbers on their arms?

Yes. There are still a number of Holocaust survivors with numbers tattoed into their flesh. However, as time marches on, the day is not far off when there will be no more Holocaust survivors alive to bear witness. I personally have met some Holocaust survivors with numbers tattooed in their arm.

How many people live in the Holocaust?

The Holocaust is not a place.