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-created a new culture (Metis)

-brought French and Aboriginal together

-boost in Canadian economy

-definition in our history


-took over life

-beaver extinction

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The Population on beaver almost went extint

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Q: What were the positive and negative effects of fur trade?
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What has negatively impacted the fur-bearing animals industry?

In recent years, the fur-bearing animal raising industry has suffered the ill effects of fur's increasingly negative image.

How were the indigenous people reliant on the Canadian fur trade?

Indigenous people were reliant on the Canadian fur trade for economic purposes, as fur pelts were used for trade with European settlers for goods like tools, clothing, and weapons. The fur trade also disrupted traditional hunting and trading patterns among indigenous groups, leading to changes in social structures and relationships. Additionally, the fur trade introduced new diseases to indigenous populations, which had devastating effects on their communities.

What is a fur trade monopoly?

a fur trade monopoly is the control over fur

What happens when you rub ebonite against fur?

Rubbing ebonite against fur can create a static charge on the ebonite due to the transfer of electrons between the two materials. This can lead to the ebonite gaining a negative charge and the fur gaining a positive charge.

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Who was in the fur trade?

The ojibve peoples were involved in the fur trade.

Fur tradwhat is the fur trade?

The fur trade is the voyagers Carrie and ship fur to other places.

What were the positive and negative impacts Samuel de Champlain had on Canada's development?

Positive impacts: Samuel de Champlain was instrumental in establishing the first permanent European settlements in Canada, such as Quebec City, which laid the foundation for French colonization in the region. He also established positive relationships with Indigenous peoples through trade and alliances, contributing to the development of the fur trade industry. Negative impacts: Champlain's colonization efforts led to conflicts with Indigenous peoples over land and resources, resulting in violence and displacement. His actions, along with those of other European colonizers, had long-lasting negative effects on Indigenous communities, including the loss of land, culture, and autonomy.

What were some of the effects of the explorations of the west in the 1800s?

The answer is Accurate Maps, Growth of fur trade, and Mistaken view of Great Plains

What were some of the effects of the explorations of the West in the 1800?

The answer is Accurate Maps, Growth of fur trade, and Mistaken view of Great Plains

What were some effects of the exploration of the west in the 1800?

The answer is Accurate Maps, Growth of fur trade, and Mistaken view of Great Plains

What were some of the effects of the exploration of the west in 1800?

The answer is Accurate Maps, Growth of fur trade, and Mistaken view of Great Plains