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Any one of his "predictions" could be used to support that belief; they are sufficiently ambiguous and vague that whichever event in human history you chose, there would be at least several references to it in his works.

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Q: What were the predictions of Nostradamus that lead people to believe the third world war will be with Eastern countries?
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Does anyone believe nostradamus?

You will be surprised how many do believe in his predictions and how many books on his predictions are sold. The video The Man who Saw Tomorrow is very famous.

Who was nostradomas?

*Nostradamus Nostradamus was a renaissance prophet he made many predictions, some people believe many have come true. He was an aid to the french king and had many threats on his life.

Is nostradamus was a prophet?

I believe he yes is.

When did nostradamus predict the end of the world?

3786 or 3797 depending on which Nostradamus "expert" you choose to believe.

Did any of her prophecies come true?

There is no concrete evidence to definitively prove whether Nostradamus' prophecies have come true. Some believe that certain events may have been loosely interpreted to fit his predictions, while others argue that his prophecies are too vague to confirm their accuracy. Ultimately, the validity of Nostradamus' prophecies remains a topic of debate and speculation.

What is nostradamus's prediction for the end of earth?

I believe it's 3797AD

When this is strong can be useful for making predictions?

i believe the answer is.... A strong OBSERVATION can be useful for making predictions

Was Nostradamus possessed by demons?

A:There is an ambiguity here. If we believe that in order to be able to prophesy the future, Nostradamus must have been possessed by demons. If demons really exist, then God exists and therefore could have given Nostradamus the power of prophecy. On the other hand, if we believe that Nostradamus was not really able to predict the future, then we need neither believe that demons exist nor that they do not - we are simply saying that he was a man who wrote obscure and ambiguous passages that some people interpret as prophecies.

Are nostradamus's prophecies real?

some people believe it but some people think that it is not real such as Muslims

Was the Japanese earthquake predicted by Nostradamus?

Ofcorse it is. Nostradamus is one of the most famous prophets. Many of his prophecies have come true, but some believe that he is a CHARLATAN. He predicted about the darker future specifically about THE MAYAN'S prophecies.

What is meant by making predictions?

To predict is to say or write what you think or believe will happen.

Are 2012 earth is going to die?

No one knows. There are a lot of people who listen to predictions made by some people such as Nostradamus, and there are some people such as Ronald Wienland that so it will happen. It you look at the Bible, only God knows the time and hour that the end will come. If you look at Ronald, he has made false predictions and most of what he says does not follow the bible, so I believe he is the false prophet that the bible speaks of. If you look at people who have made predictions, some have been right and some wrong. Do not live as everyday is the end, because no matter what you do to prepare, if God wants the world to end, there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.