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Hades punished wicked people for their crimes, here is a list of some of the punishments of those in Tartarus;

Sisyhus had to roll a boulder up a steep hill; when he got to the top, the stone would rolled back down, so he had to do this every time and never completed the task so it goes on endlessly.

Tantalus was made to stand in a pool of water with fruit handing just out of reach, if he tried to eat or drink - they moved away so he was always tormented by thirst and hunger.

Danaus's daughters died and were made to carry water from one place to another in leaking jars so they could never complete the task.

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Q: What were the punishments of Hades?
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Hades has infinite punishments for humans that have done wrong in their life. There are some special punishments for those who have gone to extremes. For example, Sisyphus was doomed to rolling a huge bolder up a hill, and right before he was going to reach the top of the hill, the bolder rolled back down and he had to start over again. Tantalus is another example. He stood chin deep in water and juicy red fruits hung over his head tantalizingly. Every time he bent down to drink, the water receded, and every time he reached up to pick a fruit the branches moved up just out of his reach. As for regular sinful people, there are so many different punishments, but most are whipped by the furies.

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Zeus, Poseidon and Hades divided the world between them, and this is what Hades got.

What is the Greek name for Hades?

Hades is the Greek name for Hades.

What is hades's greek name?

Hades is Hades' Greek name.

Hades greek name?

Hades' Greek name is Hades.

What is Hades name in greek?

Hades' name in Greek is Hades.

Who was in charge of Hades?

Hades the god was in charge of hades the underworld.

What does Hades rule over?

Hades rules the underworld.

What is Hades full name?

Hades Aidoneus for sure

What is Hades Greek name?

Hades is also known as 'The Unseen One', and Pluto.