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None of them are mentioned, aside form Yancy Academy.

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Q: What were the seven schools that Percy Jackson went to in seven years?
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How many boarding schools does Percy Jackson get kicked out of?

he got kicked out of six schools in the first book

How is Percy Jackson and Annabeth?

I am sure they are both 16 years old

How old is Percy in lost hero?

Percy Jackson is 16 years old in "The Lost Hero."

How old is the actor who plays Percy Jackson?

In the Percy Jackson and the Olympians films, Percy Jackson is played by actor Logan Lerman (born January 19, 1992). In the first movie, The Lightning Thief (2010), Percy is 16 years old -- Lerman was 17 when his scenes were filmed in early 2009.

What ages would you recommend Percy Jackson series for?

The Percy Jackson series is generally recommended for readers aged 9-12, but can be enjoyed by readers of all ages who enjoy fantasy and adventure stories.

How old is Logan who plays Percy Jackson?

Logan Lerman is 18 years old.

Why does Percy only have four camp beads?

Because in the Percy Jackson series, Percy is at Camp Half-Blood for four years. Every year a camper receives a bead.

Where are they going to flim Percy Jackson and the Olympians The Sea of Monsters?

I don't think that they will, Logan was to old to play Percy. They should have made Percy the right age, 12 years old!

Did Percy Jackson play Harry Potter?

Percy Jackson is a character in a series, not an actor. The actor who played Percy Jackson was called Logan Lerman and he didn't play Harry Potter and wasn't in any of the Harry Potter movies. Daniel Radcliffe, who is three years older and looks nothing like Logan Lerman, plays Harry Potter.

How old is annabeth when she ran away Percy Jackson?

Annabeth ran away from home when she was 7 years old.

Percy Jackson lord of the dead?

um no, he is the son of poseidon. 8 years late answer XD

What were the teenage years like for Jackson Pollock?

What is certain is that he was expelled from two high schools.