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pellagra had effects like rough skin and butterfly shaped red marks also it made people become confused then insane last they would die,

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Q: What were the symptoms of pellegra?
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Related questions

What was pellegra caused by?

pellegra was caused by mostly bad eating

Is pellegra an infectious disease?

Pellagra is not an infectious disease. Pellagra is a nutritional deficiency disease.

What caused pellegra?

pellagra is caused by bad eating and not drinking lots of water

What was drgoldbergers hypothesis about the cause of pellegra?

Pellagra was caused by a poor diet or nutrition of corn bread, pork and syrup

How do you cure pellegra?

by taking lots of vitamin B3. IT cannot be cured at last stages. takes time to cure

What is Hartnup disease?

20% of people with Hartnup disease do have symptoms. The most prominent symptom is a red, scaly rash that gets worse when the patient is exposed to sunlight. Headache, fainting, and diarrhea may also occur

What can you do to prevent pollegra?

I think you are referring to the defficiency disease called "Pellegra". It is caused by a chronic lack of niacin (vitamin B3) or its precursur tryptophan in the diet. It is characterized by dermatitis (skin rash), diarrhea, and mental disturbance, and is often linked to overdependence on corn as a staple. The wikipedia says is it is common in Africa, Indonesia, and China, but is rare in Western societies. In affluent societies the majority of patients with clinical pellegra are poor, homeless, alcohol-dependent, or psychiatric patients who refuse food. The best food sources of B3 are peanuts, brewer's yeast, fish, and meat. Some B3 is also found in whole grains.

What kind of symptoms are there?

There are all kinds of symptoms there are respitory symptoms which have to do with your lungs and breathing. there are cardio symptoms which have to do with your heart there are skin symptoms (eg. rashes bullas blisters ETC). there are neurological symptoms which have to do with your brain. there are Nephrological symptoms which have to do with your kidneys and the filtration of blood and there are urinary symptoms which deal with your bladder

What are the symptoms to know that a woman is asymptomatic?

The word "asymptomatic" means "without symptoms." So it has no symptoms. If a woman has no symptoms, she is asymptomatic.

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