

What were the tattoos like Auschwitz concentration camp?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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The tattoos consisted of a letter and a number.

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Q: What were the tattoos like Auschwitz concentration camp?
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What type of camp was Auschwitz?

Auschwitz I was the original Auschwitz camp, set up in May 1940, mainly for Polish political prisoners and the Polish elites. It also housed the main administrative offices for the whole complex of camps as well as the blocks where medical experiments were carried out, and execution chambers.

Did the Nazis gas the Jews in concentration camp?

Yes, in extermination camps like Auschwitz, Treblinka and Sobibor.

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How was the Auschwitz camp like?

Auschwitz concentration camps is an imfaous okace to be in, Thousands of people died daily, The living conditions was poor for the prisoners,the SS Officers their dont care who they kill and how many they killed. Auschwitz is a killing camp and a working to death camp 1.2 million jews were killed by shootings, Gassing, Beatings or working to death and many people worked as slave labourers

Which camp did Anne Franks family go to?

Anne Frank went to Bregen-Belsen March 1945, Margot Frank went to Bregon-Belsen March 1945, Edith Frank went to Auschwitz-Birkenau January 1945, Otto Frank went to Auschwitz and he survived he died 1980 The other familys Hermann Daan- Auschwitz November 1944 Petronella Daan- died transit to Theresienstadi April !945 Peter Daan- Mauthaussen May 1945 Albert Dussel- Neuengamme Deacember 1944

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There was no concentration camp called "Belgium". There were, however, concentration camps in Belgium.

What Does Concentration Camp Grade 1 mean?

The Nazi concentration camps were graded I, II and III, with grade I being (in principle, anyway) the least harsh and grade III the harshest. Dachau was Grade I Buchenwald was Grade II Auschwitz I and III were Grade III The extermination camps like Auschwitz-Birkenau (Auschwitz II) and Sobibor were not included in the grading system.

Why did Auschwitz become a symbol for the Holocaust?

Auschwitz was the biggest Nazi extermination camp. It has been called the largest graveyard in human history and therefore has become a symbol for the Holocaust itself. It is estimated that 1.1 million to 1.6 million died there. ___ Moreover, Auschwitz was a combined extermination camp and group of concentration camps (unlike most other camps, which were either of the one type or the other, but not both). As a result, there were far more survivors from the Auschwitz group of camps than from extermination camps like Treblinka and Sobibor. Some of the survivors gave evidence in postwar trials and some wrote their memoirs.

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In The Boy in Striped Pyjamas Bruno's father is the Commandant (boss) of Auschwitz, which was a vast complex of concentration camps and included the biggest Nazi extermination camp of all.

How did Westerbork kill the Jews?

Westerbork sent them to concentration camps like Auschwitz there they were killed. <><><> Westerbork- the camp when Anne Frank was sent- was a transit camp. People from that camp were transported to other camps, where they were killed, usually by poison gas. Link at the bottom of this page to an article on Westerbork-

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