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Q: What were the tiny compartments of cork called a monk's room in a monastery?
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Why did Robert Hooke called it a cell?

Robert Hooke discovered cells in the bark of a specific tree called cork. They reminded him of rooms or compartments. and thats why he called them cells

Which scientist discovered cells?

In 1665, a man named Robert Hooke observed "cell-like compartments" while looking at a slide of cork. He called them "cells" due to the resemblence to monks' cells.

In what material did Robert Hooke see cells'?

Yes. Robert Hooke saw cells in cork when he observed it under the microscope. What he actually observed was the cell walls of dead cork cells. He called them cells because they reminded him of the rooms (cells) of monks in a monastery.

What tiny compartments did robert hooke see in the piece of cork?

He discovered it in 1665

Which scientist first saw cork cells in 1662?

Robert Hooke noticed, while using a microscope, that he could see "cells" in cork. These were like the little rooms that monks slept in and were called cells.

What English scientist oberved cork through a microscope in 1665?

these something u would have to look up for yourself He thought the spaces looked like monks' rooms in a monastery, so he called them "cells".

Who first named the cell?

The first person to discover and name cells was Robert Hooke. He called them cells because they look like cells that monks used to live in. He looked @ cork through a microsope.

When viewing a cork through the homemade microscope Robert Hook discovered small compartments that is?


Which scientist first called a structure a cell in 1663?

Robert Hooke coined the word "cell" in 1665 after examining a section (slice) of cork under a microscope.He thought that the pattern of cell walls (which is what he was in fact looking at) resembled the cells inhabited by monks in a monastery.

What did Robert call the little box shaped structures he observed in cork?

Robert Hooke called them 'cells' because they reminded him of the small rooms of monks (cells).

What did Robert call the little box-shaped structures he observed in cork?

Robert Hooke called them 'cells' because they reminded him of the small rooms of monks (cells).

Where did Robert Hooke discover blood cells?

Robert Hooke did not discover blood cells. He was the first person to see cells. He saw cells of the oak plant in cork. He viewed a tiny slice of cork under his microscope and saw small compartments which he called cells.