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Q: What were the two affects of the rising oxygen levels in the atmosphere?
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Describe two effects of oxygen levels in the atmosphere rising.?

creation of ozone layer

How do you test how global warming affects weather?

Global warming affects the climate. Scientists can measure:the rising levels of greenhouse gases,the rising temperatures,the rising sea levels,the rising number of weather events like heatwaves, floods and storms.

Carbon dioxide in a sentence?

The carbon Dioxide levels in the Earth's atmosphere are rising.

The temperature of the Earth is rising due to the increase of what?

Increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are causing global warming.

When did the water level start rising?

if an oak tree uses 50gallons (200ltrs) of water per day, how does the deforestation of saouth America and Burma, for teak wood affect the rising water table of the planet. All the water must still be on the planet, this was fresh water, now transmitted to the atmosphere. This may raise the water table and cause salination. Is that feasible

Does the air have more or less carbon dioxide in it?

CO2 levels in the atmosphere have been rising since the start of the Industrial Revolution. i t depends. Note that the CO2 levels of Earth's atmosphere have varied considerably over the course of its existence. For example: CO2 levels during the Cretaceous period are estimated to have been about 6 times what they are right now.

How does physical exercise affect the learning ability?

It affects the brain and its learning capubilities because it gets your endorphins going and your circulation rising, supplying more oxygen to the brain.

Is the greenhouse effect increasing sea levels?

The natural greenhouse effect is not raising sea levels, but the enhanced (or accelerated) greenhouse effect which is causing global warming, is. The warmer atmosphere is melting glaciers and expanding the water in the oceans, so sea levels are rising.

How do rising levels of carbon monoxide affect your brain?

when carbon monoxide is taken in, it replaces the oxygen in the blood. this deprives cells and tissues of oxygen. It increases risk of high blood pressure and heart disease

When carbon dioxide levels increase in the atmosphere what happens to global temperatures?

When greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide increase in the atmosphere then the temperature rises. Greenhouse gases capture heat rising from the surface of the earth and prevent it escaping to space.

What is the most likely outcome of increased global temperatures?

rising sea levels :] apex answer

Why would rising sea levels be concern in Netherlands?

Netherlands means "low lands" and by rising the sea levels there's a chance of them flooding.