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c rations and fatigues

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Q: What were the two approaches taken by the former allies in Germany?
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When was Bulgaria taken by Hitler?

Bulgaria was never taken by Hitler. Bulgaria and Germany were allies.

How was World War 2 a result of World War 1?

When the allies Beat Central powers (Germany etc) in Ww1 Germany felt they had been cheated by the allies because a lot of their land was taken. So Germany didn't hesitate for a chance to get back at the allies hence Ww2.

How was the killing of Jews stopped in 1945?

The camps were liberated. Germany was defeated and its government was taken over by the Allies.

What was Britons part in World War 2?

Britain was on the Allies side and provided a strong navy and air force for the allies. After France was taken by Germany, the USA, Britain, and the USSR were fighting against Nazi Germany, Italy, and Japan.

How did the advantage in mobilized forces help the Western Allies defeat Germany in World War 1?

By 1918, Germany and her allies had taken so many casualties the end of World War One could have been predicted. Germany had exhausted its manpower resources. For example, between 1914 and 1918, the Western allies had mobilized 47 million troops. Germany and her allies could only generate 25 million troops. To a large extent, this troop advantage gave the allies an edge.

When the Allies invaded Europe what action could have been taken by Germany to win the war?

By D-Day Germany had NO chance at all of winning the war. Germany's best prospect would have been a change of r

What difference did victory or defeat mean in d-day?

If the Western Allies did not successfully land, the Russians (Soviets) would have taken over Germany.

When did Romania get taken over by the Germans?

In 1916-1918, during the first world war; during WW 2 Romania and Germany were allies.

What territories were taken by the allies after world war 2?

Poland, Germany, China became independent, eastern Europe soon fell to USSR

What was one of the terms of the armistice that ended the war?

Harsh reparations paid by Germany to the victorious Allies,The creation of new countries from the territory taken from Germany/Austria-Hungary/Ottoman Empire.Creation of the League of Nations

How wre the circumstances of ottoman territories and German colonies similar after world war 1?

They were both divided up based on the Mandate System of the League of Nations. Other European countries assumed responsibility of the former territories.

Why were the European Allies more interested in retribution?

The European allies focused on rebuilding themselves after wars, and believed that they should not have to pay to repair their nations because they did not cause the damage. After World War one the focus was on the destruction cause by bombings, which required a lot of time, labor, and money for the allied nations to fix. They wanted Germany to cover these costs because Germany did the damage. The allies asked Germany to pay reparations and to change their governing system. After World War two the focus was on making sure Germany was not able to be an aggressor again. Land was taken away, Germany's advanced scientific and technological industries were limited, and they had to pay reparations to the allies.