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The ordinance of 1785 and the ordinance of 1787.

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Q: What were the two ordinances under the articles of confedaration?
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How many branches of government were under the articles of confederation?

I believe there were two...

Under the Articles of Confederation Congress had representation based on what?

Under the Articles of Confederation, all representation was based on one vote per state. Each state was represented on an equal basis, regardless of size. Legislation under the Articles required a two-thirds vote majority. However, to amend the Articles an affirmative vote from all of the states was required.

What Congress under the Articles of Confederation had representation based on what?

Under the Articles of Confederation, all representation was based on one vote per state. Each state was represented on an equal basis, regardless of size. Legislation under the Articles required a two-thirds vote majority. However, to amend the Articles an affirmative vote from all of the states was required.

What were the two most important pieces of legislation passed under the articles of confederations?

hi do you know the answer to this question?

Which did the congress not have under the articles of confederation?

they were not able to tax, control, or interfere with the trade between two individuals

What two accomplishments cam out of the Articles of Confederation?

Under the Articles of Confederation the American colonists fought and defeated Great Britain and gained independence. By the end of the "Confederation era," Congress had created a bureaucracy to administer the day-to-day affairs of the government. The issue over the western lands was solved under the Articles. The large states holding vast amounts of western land ceded the land to the government under the Articles so that all the states could share in the wealth of those lands. The Northwest Ordinances were passed that provided for the creation of equal, self governing states in the Northwest Territories and the newly created states would have the same rights and privileges as the original 13 states. Congress also provided for a survey of the western lands to prepare the land for sale to all.

The Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 were the two major accomplishments under what government?

The Articles of Confederation

How do localities enact ordinances?

Localities enact ordinances in two ways; referendum or a public vote and city council passes ordinances. Member of the city council are elected by the people.

What is a set of articles?

A set of articles is anytime you produce two or more articles at a time.

What two powers did the states refuse to give Congress under the Articles of Confederation?

1) The power to tax 2) The power to contro trade

What were the weakness of the articles of the articles of confederation?

The articles did not allow the government to tax its people, thus forcing the government to reley on donations from the states. Also, under the articles there was only a one house legislation which did not satisfy states like Virginia who had a large population. So in the constitution a two house legislature was created, the senate and house of representatives.

What are the two articles in the sentence who is the man over there carrying an umbrella she asked?

The two articles in the sentence are "the" and "an."