

What were the two plans of Ulysses on the Trojan war?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What were the two plans of Ulysses on the Trojan war?
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What was the battle of Ulysses?

the Trojan war

What role did Ulysses play in the Trojan War?

He had an idea to make the Trojan Horse.

Why did Ulysses steal the statue of Athena during the Trojan war?

Ulysses stole the statue of Athena during the Trojan war because he thought it would give him an advantage to win the war.

Who was the hero who led the Greeks to victory in the Trojan War?

Odysseus, aka Ulysses.

Which Greek came up with the plan to trick the Trojans in the Trojan war?

Ulysses or Odysseus came up with the plan to trick the Trojans in the Trojan war

What role did Ulysses have in the Trojan war?

Ulysses, or Odysseus, was the King of Ithaca who led his men as an ally to Agamemnon and Menelaus (along with the other members of the Oath of the Horse). He was also the mastermind behind the Trojan Horse.

Who was the Greek warrior named Ulysses?

Ulysses is the Roman name of the Greek hero Odysseus. The king of Ithaca, Odysseus fought for the Greeks in the Trojan War. He was a clever man, well-liked by Athena. The Trojan Horse was his idea. After the Trojan War was over, it took Odysseus and his men ten years to return home to Ithaca. This journey is chronicled in Homer's Odyssey.

What is a Ulysses?

A wanderer. Ulysses is the Latin name of Odysseus, king of Ithaca who, as told in Homer's epic poem The Odyssey, took ten years to find his way home after the Trojan War.

How long has Ulysses been gone from sea?

Ulysses was gone from sea for approximately 20 years, including his time on the Trojan War journey and his subsequent journey back home to Ithaca.

Is Trojan war in medieval period?

The Trojan war took place two thousand years earlier.

What is the Trojan war in Greece?

The Trojan war was a war. Two countries were fighting to learn more about it read the Oddesey by Homer

Who were the two groups fighting in the Trojan war?

The two groups fighting in the Trojan War were Sparta and Troy. I think other Greeks were involved as well as Spartans.