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Q: What were the weapons and problems with industrial modern warfare?
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How do you get golden weapons on call of dity modern warfare 2?

There are no golden weapons in Modern Warfare 2.

How many kimbo weapons are in modern warfare?

None. the first ones are in Modern Warfare 2.

What are the weapons used in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

The related link lists and described the weapons used in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Modern warfare or modern warfare 2?

No, i think modern warfare 2 is better because there are new weapons and perks, and most importantly, silenced snipers.The answer to the question is more about opinion.Modern Warfare 2 does have better weapons and perks, but some of the perks in CoD4 are needed.

What are the prestige awards in modern warfare 2?

New perks and weapons

Do you keep weapons if you prestige on Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2?


What were the inventions during modern warfare that changed history?

Nuclear weapons

What weapons are in modern warfare 3 defiance?

Modern Warfare 3 Defiance? Any weapon that was in the campaign, minus the AK74u PDR is in the multi-player.

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What do you get when you prestige in Modern Warfare 2?

WhEn YoU pReStIgE iN mOdErN wArFaRe 2 YoU dOn'T gEt AnYtHiNg, YoU aCtUaLlY lOsE aLl Of YoUr WeApOnS. NoW aFtEr YoU rEaD tHiS lOoK aT mY pRoFiLe.

How do you unlock all weapons on modern warfare 2?

you have to rank up to earn game modes, weapons, perks, and equipment

How do you equip weapons in COD modern warfare 2?

go to create a class, simple