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Q: What were two important legacies of Mongol rule across Afro-Eurasia?
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Which two continents does the mongol empire expand across?

It spreaded across a bridge

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Was Kublai Khan a good or bad influence?

he was just as bad as his father was (ghengis khan). the whole world was afraid of them. if a mongol soldier were to come across someone that was not a mongol, the non-mongol would obey or run for their lives.

Who is the founder of the mongol empire?

The founder of the Mongol Empire is Genghis Khan. He united the Mongol tribes in the 12th and 13th centuries and successfully expanded the empire across Asia and Europe. Genghis Khan is known for his military tactics and his ability to establish a vast empire.

What period in mongol history in which the mongols impose law and order across eurasia?

This period in history is known as the Pax Romana.

What was the extent of the mongol empire?

Mongol empire extended from Russia and eastern Europe in west to Mesopotamia as far as Egypt in the south across the Caspian Sea region and the Asiatic steppes to include all of China.

Which people were a mix of Mongols and Turkic tribes?

The name Mongol specifies one or several ethnic groups, now mainly located in Mongolia, China, and Russia. The Mongol Empire (, Mongolyn Ezent Güren or , Ikh Mongol Uls) was an empire from the 13th and 14th century spanning from Eastern Europe across Asia. It emerged from the unification of Mongol and Turkic tribes in modern day Mongolia, and grew through invasions, after Genghis Khan had been proclaimed ruler of all Mongols in 1206.

What are two legacies of the Spanish rule in Latin America?

Two legacies of Spanish rule in Latin America are the widespread use of the Spanish language across the region and the melding of Indigenous and European cultures, resulting in a unique blend of traditions, art, and cuisine. Additionally, the Spanish introduced Christianity to Latin America, which remains a dominant religion in the region.

Who influenced Gengis Khan?

Angered by the murder of Mongol traders and an ambassador at the hands of the Muslims, Genghis launched a campaign of terror across Central Asia.

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The routes they pioneered across mountain men explored most of the west

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shut your mouth