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Q: What were women in 1920 called who cut their hair short?
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What was the nickname of the women in short skirts and short hair durning the 1920?

The Flappers

What gains did women make in politics in the 1920's?

Women were granted the right to vote in the United States in 1920. Less conservative clothes for women, including short hair and short skirts, became popular in the 1920s.

What were some ways women expressed themselves in the 1920 's?

Women during the 1920's expressed themselves by cutting their hair short, by wearing small skirts that showed their ankles, and by doing dances that were considered bad like the Charleston

What does bob mean in 1920?

In the 1920s women's fashions changed drastically. Instead of wearing their hair long, women started wearing it cut short. They called this "bobbed" hair. The word "bob" meant "cut short" even before then, where it was used to describe horses whose tails had been cut short: see the lyrics to "Camptown Races" ("I bet my money on a bob-tailed nag") and "Jingle Bells" ("Bells on Bob-Tail ring")

Which of these best describes a flapper in the 1920's?

a woman who wore short skirts and short hair styles

Flappers was a term used to describe women in the 1920's?

"Flapper" originally was a slang word to indicate a prostitute. In the 1920's, the word came to indicate a modern, free-thinking and outgoing young woman with "bobbed" (short) hair and wearing the modern short dresses of the era.

The symbol of the 1920s women was?

in the 1920s women wore there hair short wore skirts above the knees and smoked in public pretty badass THESE WOMEN WERE CALLED FLAPPERS

What was the fashion like in the 1920s like?

In the 1920's is when women started wearing provocative clothing. They started cutting their hair short, smoking , drinking , and dancing. They were known as flappers.

Where can you find a site that is for men looking for women with short hair? search " men looking for women with short hair" I like short hair too, but I don't search for them on the internet. I search them in the real world.

Should women over 50 have short hair?

Women over 50 and ALL women should have whatevery hair they want!

Why do women have longer hair?

the reason why women have longer hair is that most girls chose to have their hair longer... it is all a choice the girls make. I have seen some women that have short hair.

Why do women cut their hair short?

Some women think that their hair can be annoying, and just get in the way, so they cut it off. Others think the short style is cute, and just a easy way to wear your hair.