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Q: What where Washington's cabinets and who filled the positions?
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What was the purpose of washingtons cabinets?

There is no mention in the Constitution.

How are positions for public office in the executive branched filled?

There is a few positions a public office in the executive branch has to fill. Some of the positions that have to be filled are administration and enforcement of the constitution.

The number of the positions in Washingtons first cabinet?

There were 7 (Seven) delegates in his first cabinet.

How do you make a shoebox museum?

Put things in your shoebox that you think are special, or worth looking at. Shoebox museums are similar to the old curiosity cabinets, which were filled by princes and other royalty with things they thought looked nice or were interesting. You can fill your shoebox just as they filled their cabinets.

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the election of the president the senate stays with the house in wich they arent filled

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Elected by the people.

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No, the spoils system was just the opposite. Government positions were filled by those within the party.

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i neeed to kno this 2 lol

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ACoS Army Chief of Staff, responsible for making sure that all the Commander In Chief positions have been filled, and the CO/XO and Commandant/Deputy Commandant positions have been filled.

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Yes, but they are all filled positions.

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no it should be false.