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They will die unless they are able to move to cooler areas.

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Q: What wildlife effects the US the most?
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What wildlife is found in the US?

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What is the US Fish and Wildlife Department?

There is no "US Fish and Wildlife Department." I must assume that you mean the US Fish and Wildlife Service, which is part of the US Department of the Interior.

How can wildlife inspire us?

Wildlife inspries us by being beautiful like me:)

What are the concerns for the wildlife?

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How zoos helps us to connect wildlife?

It simple dosent connect us to wildlife

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What type of wildlife is found in the United Arab Emirates that is not found in the US?

The Arabian toad is a type of wildlife that is found in the United Arab Emirates and is not found in the US. This toad is native to the UAE. Most animals found in the UAE are also found in the US.

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Kenya is home to most of Africa's wildlife.

What is the country that has the most wildlife in the world?

im not sure about wildlife but the Indonesia has the most mammals

What is the maximum frequency of a sonar before it effects wildlife?

The freqeuncy (or pitch) of the sonar is not generally the factor which is likely to effect wildlife, but the amplitude (how loud it is).