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try contagious

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Q: What will be the one word for a disease which spreads everywhere?
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What is mastasize?

It is when a disease spreads from one organ or part to the adjacent organ or part.

Is everywhere one word or two?

'Anyplace' is generally used as one word.

Disease that spreads from one living thing to another?

some disease's that spread from one living thing to another are lice , flu, and cold there is more just cant think of the rest! (:

How can a mosquito kill humans?

Mosquitoes go from person to person and if one of the victims has a killing disease and the mosquito drinks it and move onto another person it spreads the disease

What is hiwsea?

hiwsea is a extrembly dangerous disease if you catch this disease you die as if some one was choking you slowly so it is a very slow and painfull death you can not be saved from it. It spreads by kissing anyone.:(

What is a one word substitute for one present everywhere?

The term for everywhere is ominipresent, but the adjective ubiquitous is used to mean something that is constantly encountered.

What is the Difference between endemic and epidemic disease?

An endemic disease is one that is continuously present in the population, often because there is a non-human reservoir for the microbe that causes it. An epidemic disease is one that spreads in a sudden, massive surge within a population that is largely without immune protection.

What is the one word for present everywhere?

ubiquitous, omnipresent, pervasive, prevalent

What is the definition of pokerus?

Pokerus is a virus in the Pokemon games that spreads very easy from one Pokemon to another. Your character gets the contagious disease from a wild Pokemon. Infected characters are stronger and the disease wears off.

What does disease look like?

Disease is some thing wrong with the body.Disease is a infiction that spreads from one person to other person. Disease can not do a person physically and mentaly .Disease canbe so many types Eg;swine flu ,dengue feaver are some types of different diseases .

What is the definition of the word germ?

One that causes disease

What is the difference between carriers and vectors?

Any agent that is capable of causing a disease is called as a pathogen. Vector is a DNA molecule carrying the gene of interest from one bacteria to the other to form a transformed cell.