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Q: What will be the smell if you mixed blood and semen?
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Related questions

What causes yellow semen in males?

Most times semen appears whittish. On some occassions, semen may appear yellowish in males. These may be due to the presence of blood in the semen, albeit it may be small amounts. The small amount of blood mixed with semen may result in the appearance of yellowish semen. Just like occassionally blood may appear in urine, called hematuria. Consult your doctor for your diagnosis.

Will chewing tobacco test positive in oral swab?

no but semen mixed with blood does. it causes a chemical reaction with your breath

What is the smell of dried semen?

Smell of banana with salt

How does HIV transport from blood to semen?

semen has a small amount of blood in it so the HIV is still in the blood but is carried by the semen to your partner.

What does semen smell like?

It is often said to smell like chlorine.

Can semen affect blood test results?

it can, if semen contains pus or blood.

Is it only the fathers blood in semen responsible for childbirth?

There is no blood in semen. The father's semen and the mother's egg are both required for childbirth.

What do farts smell like in Paris?

Like dry semen!

Why does semen smell bad?

It wasn't designed to be a colone. It is what it is, and it does what it is made for.

What does the inside of a prison smell like?

Sweat, shame, and semen.

What makes semen to be red?

Semen will usually have a chlorine type smell but a strong foul smelling ejaculation could be a sign of infection yellow or green tinged semen could also indicate infections and red or brown semen can highlight prostate problems.

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she designs her clothes and she wears other designers clothes