

What will eat a kit fox in a cold desert?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Coyotes, cougars, bobcats, and larger eagles will take a kit box if the opportunity presents itself.

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Q: What will eat a kit fox in a cold desert?
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Is the kit fox found in the Negev Desert?

No, the kit fox is an American fox and does not live in the Middle East.

What desert does the kit fox come from?

The kit fox is found in all the deserts of the southwestern United States.

Is a kit fox a vertebrate?

A kit fox is an omnivore, meaning they eat both meat and plants. They will sometimes eat grass to settle their stomachs like dogs do - and while they eat meat when it's available they will also eat fruits and berries when it's not.

Does a fox live in the desert?

In the Americas, there are several species of fox found in the desert - gray fox, red fox and kit fox - are all seen in the deserts of the southwest.

What animal eats the kit fox?

they eat everything a normal fox does like berries,nuts and rabbits

What desert animal eats kangaroo rats?

Kit fox or swift fox, coyotes and bobcats, owls, roadrunners and snakes.

What does kit fox eat?

Rodents and other small animals

Where does the desert fox live?

The Fennec Fox, but it has also been known to reside in Saudia Arabia The Fennec Fox, but it has also been known to reside in Saudia Arabia

What animals live in the desert scrub?

Xerophytic plants live in the desert scrub.

Why is the kit fox named the kit fox?

A young fox is correctly called a cub, not a kit.

How many times does a kit fox eat a day?

Once or twice a day

What are some examples of desert scrub animals?

creosotebush, kit fox, western pocket gopher, snowshoe hare