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If the circulatory system "breaks down", a person could have a fatal heart attack or stroke. Depending on what happened to cause the collapse, a person may feel numbness anywhere in the body, look pail, or go unconscious. If it does not kill a person right away, they should be immediatly taken to the hospital.

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15y ago
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14y ago

if circulatory sys not work then obviously organ will get effect and your respiratory sys will get effect firstly because its been proved that cir sys is effecting alvioly then it leads to respiratory failior and that will be end of life.

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13y ago

if the digestive system is not working properly:

1. Anaemia: when the Haemoglobin absorbs less oxygen. As a result, the body parts receive less oxygen. decrease in the quantity of oxygen reduces the cellular respiration resulting in tiredness, weakness, fatigue of the muscles, etc. the skin may appear pale because of lack of oxygen in red blood cells which make them less red.

2. Leukaemia: cancer in which white blood cells are produced uncontrollably which makes them prevent the production of red blood cell resulting in lack of red blood cells to carry oxygen. it is eventually anaemia.

3. bruising: when the surface of the skin is cut, the surrounding capillaries are damaged from which red blood cells leak. because the haemoglobin is damaged, the bruise darkens and becomes greenish as the damaged haemoglobin is broken down.

4. hardening of arteries: (arrhythmia) due many variations in diet, mostly in the fat or cholesterol intake, plague is deposited on the inner walls of the arteries. this causes them to harden and stiffen and makes them less flexible. it also blocks the blood flow reducing the oxygen supply (anaemia). to supply more oxygen, the heart has to pump faster, going under strain. this strain eventually weakens the heart muscle resulting in an heart attack.

5. Deep vein thrombosis: when a large blood clot in the vein blocks the blood flow resulting in painful pains.

Hope this helped

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12y ago

You would be very likely to die.

  • right if your nervous system doesnt work then you WILL die
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