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Q: What will happen if a kidney is dropped in tap water?
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What will happen if you have gave a snail tap water?

they will die :(

What will happen if you drink hot tap water?

You will digest it.

What would happen if an egg is placed in a cup of warm tap water?

the egg will sinks in the cup of warm tap water.

What will happen to a nail if kept in tap water?

It will eventually corrode (rust).

What makes hot water sticky or oily out of the tap?

This will happen lots of times when the water is acidic with a low PH

What will happen if acid was added to tap water?

Technically it would affect everyone's health who would drink the tap water with acid. They might die if they don't get treated fast enough

When did Tap Tap Revenge happen?

Tap Tap Revenge happened in 2008.

What would happen if you put triop in tap water?

They may not survive because you're supposed to put them in distilled water.

What will happen if you put a baby turtle in sink water?

Its ok to put your turtle in tap water, but only if you put water conditoner from the store in

Which is clearer tap water or well water?

Definitely Tap Water.

What is the difference between tap water and soda water?

you can tap tap

Why does tap water freeze faster than tap water?

No, it isn't faster, tap water freezes just at the same temperature as tap water