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Q: What will happen if ligaments gets overstreched?
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What is tough substance that joins bones?

Tendons, ligaments and cartilege in between.

When does contraction happen?

when heat gets transferred it gets smaller.

How do people get ankle running injuries?

While running can be a great form of exercise, ankle injuries are a known risk. Ankle sprains are commonly caused when too much force on the ligaments leads to tearing of those ligaments. This can happen when running on uneven ground (trail running). Overtraining's can also lead to excess stress on your ligaments.

What will happen if the bones at joint are rough and there are no ligament and cartilages?

Ligaments provide stability in the joints. W/o ligaments the joint would be unstable and bend any old how. If there's no cartilage, bone will grate against bone which is very painful.

What kind of damage can happen because of skiing?

mainly injuries to the knees such as torn ligaments. there are concussions a=that happen when you don't wear a helmet and also broken bones in any part of your body

What should you do if your eye falls out?

Actually, this shouldn't happen. There are muscles and ligaments which hold it in place. But if it comes out of its socket, you should get to a doctor immediately.

What are the ligaments for?

Ligaments connect bone to bone.

Were do you find ligaments?

Ligaments are found at joints.

Why are ligaments not found in axial skeleton?

But ligaments are found in both. Bones are connected to bones with ligaments.

How are bones attached together?

Bones are attached to each other by tendons