

What will happen if marijuana is not legallized?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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People will continue to use and sell it illegally, and a lot of folks will go to jail unnecessarily.

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Q: What will happen if marijuana is not legallized?
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Can you get arrested for carrying 3.5 grams of marijuana?

Yess, unless yew are in Cali where it is about to be legallized. xD

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What can happen to you if you do marijuana?

brain damage

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when thay invented marijuana...

Why not make it legal to be able to carry up a certain amount of marijuana?

Possession marijuana is illegal because it's the 'will of the people'. That means that the majority of voting Americans are not ready to decriminalize marijuana. When or if the voting population is more accepting of the idea, the laws will change.None of the arguments or science, pro or con, for marijuana use have much bearing on the current laws, they are strictly based on the opinion of the majority of the population. Posting your point of view, facts and figures on either side of the issue does not answer this question.Added: In addition - SOME jurisdictions HAVE de-criminalized the possession of marijuana up to a certain amount of the drug, and others (i.e.: California) have legallized its purchase and possession for medical purposes.

Do you have to get something legallized to move out at 17?

You only need permission from your parents. Otherwise, you will have to wait until you are an adult, which is 18 or be emancipated.

Is Passing Out a side affect of Marijuana?

It has been known to happen.

What would happen if you were caught with marijuana?

You get arrested for possesing a ilegal substance

What will happen if you smoke marijuana a week after you had acute Bronchitis?

You will probably get HIGH!

What would happen if you smoked marijuana and took a ecstasy pill?

the marijuana high doesnt really effect me until you start coming down.

How can a person come up positive for marijuana and not be a marijuana smoker?

this can happen from being around people who smoke it, and inhaling the second hand smoke.

Is marijuana additive?

Only that - that was sprayed in the fields by the DEA.