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You are liable for all transactions up to the time you reported the suspected activity on the card. Once reported - any transactions occurring after that - up to the time the card is suspended - are the company's responsibility.

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Q: What will happen if my credit card was cloned and know I am deaply indepted will i have to pay?
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Where do you go to get cloned?

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If foreclosure becomes definite what will happen to your credit?

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This may not be the only way, but this could happen if the donor of the cells is a chimera.

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Your credit card company will report you to one of the three credit agencies, Experian credit bureau, Equifax credit bureau, and TransUnion credit bureau.

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Negative credit rating. Stays on your credit report for 7 years. Don't let it happen.

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It will be severely damaged for 10 years.

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What can happen if i don't pay my credit card bills?

If you don't pay your credit card bill, the company may put the nonpayment on your credit report. Also, the credit company may sue you in court.

If a credit card company says you owe them money but it is not on your credit report do you have to pay?

If it isn't on your credit report, the credit card company still has hopes of you paying it off. When they see that isn't going to happen, you can bet your butt that it WILL be on your credit report.

Will your credit history affect your application for a virgin money credit card?

Yes it will affect your chances for a virgin money credit card. This will happen becasue for any credit card that you are applying to you need a good enough credit score to qualify.