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Q: What will happen if one parts of the respiratory system fails to Cary out its function properly?
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What will happen if one part of the respiratory and circulatory system fails to carry out its function properly?

you wouldn't be able to breathe and you would die.

What will happen to the respiratory system if the windpipe is missing?

The respiratory system cannot function without the windpipe.

How do you use the word respiratory in a sentence?

Without the use of the respiratory system, our vital organs wouldn't function properly

What will happen if one of the system fails to carry out of its function properly?

If one part of a system fails to carry out its function properly the rest of the system will be affected and other parts of the system will work harder.

What will happen if one part of the system fails to carry out function properly?

If one part of a system fails to carry out its function properly the rest of the system will be affected and other parts of the system will work harder.

What will happen if one part of the system fails carry out its function properly?

If one part of a system fails to carry out its function properly the rest of the system will be affected and other parts of the system will work harder.

What will happen if one part of the system fails to carry out it's function properly?

If one part of a system fails to carry out its function properly the rest of the system will be affected and other parts of the system will work harder.

How does smoke affect to the Respiratory System?

smoking causes tar to build up on the lungs, and the Cilia can't function properly.

What is the function of epiglotts in respiratory system?

It prevents food from going to the respiratory system

Is obtaining oxygen part of the function of a skeleton?

No. It is part of the respiratory system not the skeletal system.

What would most likely happen if one or more parts of a cellular system failed to function properly?

The entire cellular system would not function normally.

Is the main function of the respiratory system?

The main function of the respiratory system is the exchange of gases. It brings in oxygen and elmiinates carbon dioxide.