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The two magnets would repell each other.

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Q: What will happen if two magnets had the south side facing each other?
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What will happen if a person had two magnets with the south and the north ends facing each other?

they will not magntize together

If you place opposite poles of two magnets facing each other what will happen?

When the opposite poles of two bar magnets are facing each other, they will attract. When magnets have the same pole facing each other, they will repel.

What can make objects repel each other?

If they are both magnets, and they are the same poles facing each other (e.g. south repels south and north repels north).

What will happen when the south pole ends of two bar magnets come together?

They will repel each other.

When do magnets attract?

Magnets attract when the south side of a magnet is facing towards the north side of another magnet. If the sides are both north or south the magnet will then repel. ( Opposites attract and Likes repel )

What is the use of a magnet in a motor?

Magnets are used in motors to create motion. Magnets have two kinds of polarity, positive (north) and negative (south). When two magnets of the same polarity are facing each other, they will be attracted to each other. Conversely, if the polarity of the the two magnets are opposites than they two magnets will be repulsed. This concept of rotational motion is what is occurring in a motor.

What happen if you put two south pole magnets together?

If you put two south pole magnets together, they would repel each other (the force would push the two magnets away from each other). Only north pole and south pole attract each other. Short answer- you would have a hard time getting the two south poles to touch! Hope this helped! =D

What are the rules that tell whether two magnets will attract or repel?

It is when you have the pole north facing up and the pole south facing down they repel. When the pole north and south are facing up or down they attract.

What would happen if you put the north and the south poles of two magnets together?

If you put the north and the south poles of two magnets together they will attract each other. By, Fatema Aftab

Can magnets attract and repel other magnets?

Magnets are very much attracted to each other. Magnets have at least two poles: North and South. North poles attract South, and vice-versa. A simple mnemonic to remember this rule is "Opposites attract."

Can magnets repel and attract other magnets?

Magnets are very much attracted to each other. Magnets have at least two poles: North and South. North poles attract South, and vice-versa. A simple mnemonic to remember this rule is "Opposites attract."

What happens when 2 south pole touch each other?

Two south poles on two magnets will repel each other. A north and a south pole on two magnets will attract each other.