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It will go a pink purple couler indicating that it is an alkali.

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1mo ago

Adding washing powder to litmus will not have a noticeable effect on the litmus itself. Litmus is typically used as an indicator to determine acidity or alkalinity by changing color when exposed to different pH levels. Washing powder is a detergent and typically does not interact with litmus in a way that alters its color or properties.

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Q: What will happen if you add washing powder to litmus?
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What color will the water go if you add litmus?

The water should stay the same colour if you are using litmus paper, but if you are using a liquid the colour should change. The colour purely depends on the acidity/alkalinity of the water you are putting it in. Yellows are alkaline, Greens are neutral and Blues are acidic (it may be the other way around.. yellow being acid, blue being alki.) The measure of acidity is pH.

Would you add a small bar of soap of the same volume of soap powder to some water when washing clothes?

No, you cannot use bar soap in place of powdered soap when washing clothes - unless you are washing by hand. Powdered and liquid soaps are designed to disperse quickly into the wash water, bar soaps will not do that. After the washing process, bar soap may remain as a bar (although a bit smaller) and then the rinse steps will not be effective at removing residual soap.

What test can you know if it is a acid or base?

You can test whether a substance is an acid or a base using litmus paper. When dipped in the substance, blue litmus paper turns red in the presence of an acid, while red litmus paper turns blue in the presence of a base.

Can you add salt to the water when washing black clothes?

It is not recommended to add salt to the water when washing black clothes as it can potentially fade the color. Instead, use a gentle detergent specifically formulated for dark or black clothing to help maintain the color vibrancy.

How would you distinguish Sulphuric acid from Nitric acid and Hydrochloric acid by a chemical test?

To distinguish between Sulphuric acid, Nitric acid, and Hydrochloric acid, you can perform a simple red litmus test: Sulphuric acid turns blue litmus paper red, Nitric acid bleaches red litmus paper, and Hydrochloric acid does not affect the color of red litmus paper. This test is based on their acidic properties and reactions with litmus paper.

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What is the difference between washing powder for top loading?

You didn't add a second item to compare to. The difference between washing powder for top loading... and what ???

What do you have to add to litmus to make it purple?

Bases and alkali's turn litmus paper purple.

If you add to pieces of litmus paper The red litmus stayed red and blue litmus paper stayed blue was the liquid acidic alkaline or neu tural?

the liquid is neutral

When do you load the clothes into washing machine?

Okay people, here is how you load a washing machine, *Turn the washing machine on, *Put the recommended amount of detergent in, *put your clothes in - unfold and turn clothing inside out - do not overfill the machine *close the lid. DONE!!! Another This is my procedure for a top loading machine: Turn on, add appropriate amount of soap powder/detergent, start water until powder dissolves, add laundry then continue water to fill, close lid & start wash/rinse cycle.

When do you add milk to a cake?

when you add the powder

What colour does litmus paper go when you add an acid?

Red, and an alikili goes blue.

When you add blue litmus on water why does it turn red?

Because of science. Or god. You decide.

How can washing shoes ruin them?

I do not believe Washing shoes can effect them but they might add musture to the shoes

Made salsa with chili powder how do you get the chili powder taste out?

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How to increase the percentage of calcium oxide in a powder sample?

Add CaO to the powder.

What color will the water go if you add litmus?

The water should stay the same colour if you are using litmus paper, but if you are using a liquid the colour should change. The colour purely depends on the acidity/alkalinity of the water you are putting it in. Yellows are alkaline, Greens are neutral and Blues are acidic (it may be the other way around.. yellow being acid, blue being alki.) The measure of acidity is pH.

Washing power formula?

A typical washing powder formula might include surfactants, builders, enzymes, bleaching agents, and fragrance. Surfactants help to remove dirt and oil from clothes, builders help to soften water and boost cleaning power, enzymes break down stains, bleaching agents whiten clothes, and fragrance provides a pleasant scent. The specific combination and concentration of these ingredients can vary depending on the brand and type of washing powder.