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Bipolars who do not take their medication, or who refuse treatment, continue to get worse. As they grow older, their mood swings come closer and closer together. They also get worse and worse. Eventually, the person develops a dementia that is similar to Alzheimer's.

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14y ago

There will be periods of fluctuation from the most severe symptoms of manic depression to the most severe symptoms of mania.

Symptoms when the person is 'on a low' may include:

* Feelings of sadness out of proportion with the person's life situation. * Weight loss or gain (changes in more than 5% of the body within a month), a loss or gain of appetite. * Lethargy and irritation. * A loss of energy and great fatigue. * Insomnia or hypersomnia. * Recurrent thoughts of death and suicide, suicidal attempts. * Slowed thinking and difficulty in concentrating. * Feelings of self-worthlessness and basically a negative self concept. * A loss of pleasure in every day activities. Symptoms when the person is 'on a high' or manic, may include:

* Increased energy, social and sexual activity. * Delusions of grandeur and inflated self esteem. * Decreased need for sleep. * Rapid speech - more talkative.

* Increased irritability. * Distractibility. * Hallucinations. * Reckless decisions and actions. Bipolar depression will fluctuate between both, the symptoms will not come and go they will be persistent and last over periods of time before they fluctuate back to the opposite state.

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13y ago

Even if they are doing ok or feel fine at the time-sooner or later they will have another episode and they may think they r ok when others can see their syptoms. Life is much better and easier for them and there family. Trust me! Take ur meds

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11y ago

well there are many types and it affects everyone differently u could be fine unlikely many ppl try to self diagnose and go untreated this may work for years but they have a break down and are lucky to end up hospitalized u should really see a psychiatrist

A little more info

A number of things can happen if Bipolar disorder goes untreated. Some of these are: losing your job, destroying friendships, becoming distant with your family members (including your children), huge relationship troubles, overspending - causing significant financial troubles, and when in the depressive stage you can have suicidal ideations - some to the point of actual suicide attempts. Not getting help isn't just unfair to you, you are also hurting the people around you - the ones who love you and/or depend on you.

To think that you can get through it on your own is very unrealistic and unfortunately there isn't, as of yet, a cure for this disorder. Therefore, taking medication and sticking to a treatment plan is extremely important. Also (as my therapist likes to remind me) when you feel like you no longer need to take your meds, it is so important that you ignore that feeling as the meds and therapy are what have gotten you to the point of feeling better. Stopping your treatment is only going to eventually (for some, sooner than others) put you right back where you started before being diagnosed - if not, the symptoms may be more severe than before.

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11y ago

You will most likely live with behavioral and life struggles pretty regularly, depending on the severity of your BPD. Medication really does make a huge difference, it is highly recommended that you get a prescribed medication for your disorder.

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Q: What will happen if you continue with bipolar disorder untreated?
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What types of bipolar are there?

Yes, we can have different types of Depression by ZAFA Pharmaceuticals 1- Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Modd disorder, frequent mood swings. 2- Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD): You remain persistently depressed, but you don't feel. 3- Bipolar Disorder: Hallucinations & Delusions. 4- Premenstrual dysphonic disorder: Fatigue, anxiety, moodiness, bloating, increased appetite, food cravings, aches. 5- Seasonal affective disorder: Sleepiness and weight gain during the winter months but feel perfectly fine in spring. 6- Postpartum Disorder (PDD): During pregnancy or even following the birth of the child. 7- Atypical Disorder: Signs of depression (such as over-eating, sleeping too much, or extreme sensitivity to rejection).

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