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they will all fall

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Q: What will happen if you drop a piece of paper a feather and a balloon?
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How did they write the constitution?

With a piece of paper, a feather, and ink.

Why does a balloon attract paper when a piece of paper is neutral?

static electricity

Would a feather and a piece of paper fall at the same time?

pretty much the same

How can we make the tissues paper air balloon stay in the air for along amount of time?

use a stronger piece of paper

How do you get the balloon launcher on moshi monsters?

You get the balloon launcher when you buy moshi mag the 3D issue number 7 you get a picture and the code on a piece of paper in the magazine.

What happens if you swallowed a piece of paper?

if you eat paper nothing will happen i used to eat paper when i was small

Why does the balloon go inside the bottle when you light a piece of paper on fire?

The oxygen is taken out of the bottle so it gets sucked in.

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How do jump do get the piece of the picture underground you counterfeit island in poptropica?

You just have to get the balloon and jump to the paper with it. If you try to get it at night then you have to be a good jumper.

Paper hop project?

Paper Hop Problem: How can we show that atoms have positive and negative charges? Hypothesis: If we can rub some electrons off an item, and make it positively charged, then it will stick to an item of the opposite charge. Materials: piece of notebook paper, paper hole puncher, small balloon, clean hair Procedure: 1. Use the hole punch to cut about 15-20 small circles from the piece of paper. 2. Spread the pieces on a table. 3. Inflate the balloon and tie it. 4. Rub the balloon against your hair about five strokes. 6. Hold the balloon close to, but not touching, the paper circles. Observations: The paper circles jump to the balloon. Conclusion: Paper is an example of matter, and all matter is made up of atoms. Each atom has a positive center with negatively charged electrons spinning around outside. The balloon rubs the electrons off of the hair, giving the balloon an excess of negative charges. The positive part of the paper circles is attracted to the excessive negative charge on the balloon. This attraction between the positive and negative charge is great enough to overcome the force of gravity and the circles will hop upward toward the balloon.

How should you ask a guy to sadies?

what i did.. i tied a balloon to his chair in every one of his classes. inside the balloon i put a piece of paper, which if you read them all together it said, AJ will you go to sadies with me? write pop me on the balloon! and when he gets his last balloon be waiting outside his classroom! and BAM! haha

What are two meanings for the word envelope?

It's a piece of folded paper for enclosing a letter. It's also the part of a hot-air balloon you fill with air.