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Water is good for leather and in fact is necessary to keep it in good condition. Leather 'breathes' which means that moisture moves in and out (transpiration). In hot temperatures (natural and artificial conditions) leather loses moisture and so water is needed to replace the moisture and keep it rehydrated.

Leather is finished in different ways and the type of finish will determine how water reacts when it is applied to the leather.

Aniline style leathers will absorb the water quickly and care needs to be taken to make sure that water marks do not occur. These type of leathers will darken when water is applied but will generally dry out to the original colour.

Coated leathers allow water to sit on the surface for longer and water will generally bead on the surface and not cause the leather to darken.

Wiping over leather with a damp cloth or water based products such as Lazy Leather will help to prolong the life of your leather and keep it at the correct hydration.

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