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Shampooing the hair prior to bleaching will cause the scalp to be extremely sensitive and may cause major irritation. It's best to shampoo at least one day prior to bleaching.

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Q: What will happen if you shampoo your hair and then bleach it?
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Related questions

What shampoo will remove medication from hair?

Hair bleach

How many levels will a shampoo bleach lift?

Mixing shampoo + bleach might lift the hair approximately 1/2 of a level.

Do you wash bleach out with shampoo Like when you go in the shower to wash out the bleach do you use shampoo after you have washed it out?

When washing bleach out of you hair you should do it just like you would when washing out shampoo. I would tell you that you should go to a salon to get it done.

Can you put a few drops of bleach in shampoo to make hair blonder?

I wouldn't try it. Mixing Chemicals with shampoo can weaken and irritate hair. Also the bleach won't turn out anywhere and will look stupid/un-even.

How do you make a bleach wash for hair?

You use equal parts of Bleach, developer, and shampoo. 1:1:1 :D

What would happen if you put silver shampoo on brown hair?

Umm nothing, why would anything happen?? I have brown hair and i use silver hair looks fine...

What will happen if you put bleach highlights ontop of beige blonde hair?

The hair will will be white from the bleach highlights on beige, blonde hair.

What will happen to your hair if your shampoo is really thick?


Can you use 40vol peroxide and shampoo to strip your reddish brown dye out your hair?

Mixing any volume developer with shampoo will have absolutely no affect on the hair. If you're interested in lightening the hair, the developer will need to be mixed with bleach.

What may happen if you use the incorrect shampoo?

you hair will get puffy

What would happen if you mixed hair bleach and water in your hair?

It most likely will not work you will need developer to make the bleach activate and do what it needs todo which is lighten your hair. If you use water it will not activate or help lift the bleach.

What happens when you put bleach in shampoo and take a shower with it?

It can cause your skin to itch and burn and you might end up with bleach blonde hair. It will also burn your scalp.