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Your grammar is atrocious. It will float a bit and fall on a windless day, it will fly off on a windy day.

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Q: What will happen if you throw the feather in the air?
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What would happen if you dropped a hammer and a feather here on earth?

The feather would reach the earth first dumb@$$

What would happen if your in space with no atmosphere and you dropped a feather and a hammer?

They would both float if you had no gravity.

Why did the feather and the hammer land the same time on the moon and different times on the earth?

The Earth has an atmosphere and the moon doesn't, so a falling feather on Earth runs into quite a bit of air resistance which slows it down much more than a hammer. On the moon, there is no air resistance.

How are scientists able to make predictions?

You assume that things that happened repeatedly in a certain way in the past will happen the same way under the same conditions in the future. If you throw a ball up in the air 500 times and it comes down 500 times, you then predict that if you throw a piano into the air it will come down as well. If you throw a helium balloon up in the air for the first time, you might predict it will also come down. When it does not, this means the theory must be rejected or changed to explain what is different this time. If you have a hydrogen balloon and throw it into the air, you might predict that since your helium balloon did not come down and hydrogen is more similar to helium than it is to a piano, then the hydrogen balloon will keep going as well.

What can you do on the moon that you can't do on earth?

A lot, you can fall as fast (or as slow) as a feather, since there is no air resistance to the feather's fall. You can jump about 2x what you can jump on the earth. The stars do not twinkle when viewed from the moon since there is no atmosphere to distort the sunlight.

Related questions

What will happen if you throw a ball straight into the air?

gravity pulls it down

When did Angel's Feather happen?

Angel's Feather happened in 2005.

Which has more air resistance a feather or marble?

a feather has

Among the feather and the apple which has greater air resistance?

a feather

When did Shining Force Feather happen?

Shining Force Feather happened in 2009.

What forces happen when you throw a football in the air?

obviously gravity and air, but other forces i'm not sure of. Just check for additional information.

What shouldn't people who live in glass houses throw?

they shouldn't throw anything except something that weighs less than a feather

What does the term Tar and Feather mean?

To tar and feather someone is to smear or cover someone (as the Whigs di to the Tories) with tar and throw feathers over them.

What does it mean when you catch a gray feather?

It means that you have plucked a feather that is grey out of the air! It is now in your possession!

What would happen if you dropped a hammer and a feather here on earth?

The feather would reach the earth first dumb@$$

What is the friction of air?

friction in air is called air resistance. When a feather falls through the air, it is slowed down by this air resistance. as gravity pulls the feather down to the earth, air resistance pushes it up. gravity almost always wins, however, when the feather gets enough acceleration to overcome air resistance. the mass of the object effects the amount of air resistance. a feather has low mass, therefore is slowed down by air resistance. A rock has much mass, therefore air resistance doesn't effect it as much. this is why a rock appears to fall "faster" than a feather. take the rock and feather on the moon (something the Apollo astronauts did) and they fall at the same rate.

Which force makes a feather fall to the ground more slowly than a stone?

The feather falls slower because it has air restistance. The air pushes up on it. The rock falls faster because it's mass and how it doesn't have air resistance. Also, because toilet seats produce a gas, reacting with the feathers on a feather, making the feather rise.