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it wont work because glass materials don't pass electricity it wont work because glass materials don't pass electricity by: dalia adel class:6p

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Q: What will happen if you try to complete a circuit by joining the glass of a light bulb to the battery?
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What will happen when a wire is connected to the positive end of a fresh battery if there is nothing else in the circuit?

Nothing will happen. There has to be a complete a circuit for the battery to function thus allowing for the flow of electricity.

What would happen if a battery is removed from a circuit?

It wil be on

What will happen if you try to complete a circut by joining the glass of a light bulb to the batttery?

The glass of the light bulb is not conductive, so the circuit would not be completed. You would need to join the wires to the positive and negative contacts on the base of the bulb for the circuit to work.

What will happen if one battery terminal is connected to a light bulb?

Nothing will happen. It requires two wires to complete the circuit. Electrical current travels from the battery terminal through the wire to a metal portion of the base of the lightbulb. The current then travels up through the filament wire which glows as the current travels through. The current then travels back down the other side of the filament wire to the base of the bulb and thus through the second wire back to source, which is the battery.

What happens when the circuit is complete and the switches are closed?

*Look at the simple circuit illustrated in Figure A-2. What will happen when only switch S1 is closed? Correct Answer= "Nothing will happen-the light bulb won't light up." <<>> If there is a load in the circuit the load will operate. If there is no load in the circuit and it is complete then a short circuit will occur and something in the circuit will burn open. If the circuit is complete and there is a fuse or breaker in the circuit, then the fuse or breaker will open the circuit.

If you start at the negative end of the battery what will happen to the electrons when a closed circuit turn on a light?

When you start at the negative end of the battery, you start to lose electrons and the circuit is closed.

What would happen if you stuck an insulator in the middle of a circuit?

the circuit would not be complete. the lightbulb would not light or the buzzer would not buzz

What would happen if you connected the ends of a battery in a series circuit with wire?

You would short out the battery. If it was a car battery capable of 300 amps and the wire was big enough, the battery could explode.

What will happen to a bulb when you move it closer to the battery on a circuit?

Nothing special should happen. What matters for the bulb is the voltage difference between its ends.

What will happen if a piece of string is being used to complete a close circuit?

The piece of string will act as an insulator. Insulators will not carry circuit current when a voltage source is applied across it. Therefore nothing will happen if a piece of string is used to complete an electrical circuit.

When a switch in an electrical circuit is turned off what will happen?

Closing a switch in an electrical circuit will complete the circuit. The supply voltage will then be applied to that circuit, and current will flow through that circuit.

If a 12 volt 18 amp hour battery is installed in a circuit with a continuous 1 amp current draw on the battery what would happen?

would discharge in 18 hours