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The air molecules inside the balloon will heat up and move faster, increasing the pressure inside the balloon. This will cause the balloon to expand and grow in size.

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Q: What will happen to a balloon if it is placed in warm water?
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What happens to air pressure if a balloon with the same initial volume is placed in a beaker of cold water then placed in a beaker of hot water?

The air pressure inside the balloon will decrease when placed in cold water, as the air molecules cool and move closer together. Conversely, the air pressure will increase when the balloon is placed in hot water, as the air molecules heat up and move further apart.

What happens to a balloon when you put it in a warm room?

When a balloon is placed in a warm room, the air molecules inside the balloon receive more energy and move faster, causing them to expand and increase the pressure inside the balloon. This leads to the balloon inflating and appearing larger than before.

What happens to the water filled balloon in warm water?

The water-filled balloon will warm up and expand as the temperature of the water increases. This is because the molecules in the water gain more energy and move faster, causing the balloon to stretch. If the water is too hot, the balloon may burst due to the increased pressure from the expanding water.

What happens to a balloon when placed in ice?

When a balloon is placed in ice, the air inside it cools down and contracts, causing the balloon to deflate slightly. As the air molecules lose energy and move closer together, the volume of the balloon decreases. Once the balloon is removed from the ice and allowed to warm back up, the air inside it expands, causing the balloon to reinflate.

What happens in a water filled balloon in warm water?

The water inside the balloon will heat up and expand as the temperature increases. This will create pressure inside the balloon, potentially causing it to burst if the expansion is too great.

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What happens to air pressure if a balloon with the same initial volume is placed in a beaker of cold water then placed in a beaker of hot water?

The air pressure inside the balloon will decrease when placed in cold water, as the air molecules cool and move closer together. Conversely, the air pressure will increase when the balloon is placed in hot water, as the air molecules heat up and move further apart.

What happens to a balloon when you put it in a warm room?

When a balloon is placed in a warm room, the air molecules inside the balloon receive more energy and move faster, causing them to expand and increase the pressure inside the balloon. This leads to the balloon inflating and appearing larger than before.

What happens to the water filled balloon in warm water?

The water-filled balloon will warm up and expand as the temperature of the water increases. This is because the molecules in the water gain more energy and move faster, causing the balloon to stretch. If the water is too hot, the balloon may burst due to the increased pressure from the expanding water.

Why do balloon's full of air get bigger when placed in a warm oven?

because the rubber and the air expand .

What happens to a balloon when placed in ice?

When a balloon is placed in ice, the air inside it cools down and contracts, causing the balloon to deflate slightly. As the air molecules lose energy and move closer together, the volume of the balloon decreases. Once the balloon is removed from the ice and allowed to warm back up, the air inside it expands, causing the balloon to reinflate.

Do whirlpools happen in cold or warm water?

in warm water

Why an inflated balloon expand in warmwater?

When an inflated balloon is placed in warm water, the air inside the balloon heats up, and its molecules move faster, causing them to exert more pressure on the walls of the balloon. This increased pressure pushes the walls of the balloon outwards, causing it to expand. Conversely, when the balloon is placed in cold water, the air inside cools down, and its molecules move slower, resulting in decreased pressure and a decrease in the size of the balloon.

What will happen if you inflate a balloon with warm air and take it to a cold place?

The air inside cools. Cool air shrinks. The balloon gets smaller.

What do you need for a yeast balloon experiment?

To conduct a yeast balloon experiment, you will need a balloon, a water bottle, warm water, sugar, active dry yeast, and a funnel. First, mix the warm water with sugar in the bottle, add yeast using the funnel, and stretch the balloon over the top of the bottle. As the yeast consumes the sugar and produces carbon dioxide, the balloon will inflate.

Why does a warm balloon burst faster then cold water?

Cold water doesn't burst at all.