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Since the nucleus is known as "the brain of the cell", if it were removed, the cell would die almost instantly. The nucleus controls all of the cell organelles, whether it be the mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, cytoplasms, or even the nucleolus. So if the nucleus was removed, since it controls all of the organelles, the cell would die and so would the organism it is controlling.

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14y ago
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12y ago

it wouldn't do it's job? sorry if I'm wrong, but as far as i know, the nucleus is like the brain. if the nucleus is removed from the cell then there will be no reproduction in cell as the chromatin material is inside nucleus and so are the genes thus the cell reproduction will not occur and the cell becomes a liability now this is if they have asked if the cell didn't die but in general if the nucleus is removed it would die instantly.

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6y ago

The cell has no genetic material (or little enough to be negligible) and will thus not reproduce. Many cell structures will likely be damaged during the removal, specifically the Endoplasmic Reticulum, which is connected.

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12y ago

The cell would die away without a nucleus because the nucleus is the main part of the cell. The nucleus is like a heart you can not live without a heart the heart is pumping with blood the heart is what keeps you going.The nucles is the heart of the cell it is pumping to keep the cell alive.

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11y ago

It will accumulate damage and be unnable to repair it. Eventually it will die.

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12y ago

if nucleus of a cell dies the is no more because nucleus is what keeps the cell's growth

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7y ago

Removing the nucleus from a eukaryotic cell will kill it.

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Q: What will happen to a cell if its nucleus is removed?
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What will happen to a plant cell and an animal cell if the nucleus is removed?

It dies (after a while).

What will happen to a cell if its nucleus is removed free download notes?

If a cell's nucleus is removed, it will eventually die because it will not be able to carry out protein synthesis, which is essential for life.

What will happen if nucleus is removed from cell?

Controls of cells will be stopped.Functions also will be stopped.

What can happen to an organism if part of the cell's nucleus is damaged?

if it is a organism ,then it will die and i it is a multi cellular animal then it will remain alive but only that nucleus removed cell will die.

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Cloning... i just has this question on castle learning aha!

What happen when nucleolus is removed from the cell?

Ans. The cell will just die because the control system of the cell is the nucleus. it is like our brain and tells the organelles what to do. :D

Is the nucleus responsible for the cells behavior?

no because when the nucleus is removed from the cell the cell's behavior doesn't change

How can you say a cell will die when the nucleus is removed while saying a red blood cell is a living cell?

Cells don't die after the nucleus is removed. That is how we clone things, we remove the nucleus from an unfertilised egg cell and insert the DNA of the animal we wish to clone.

What would happen to cell reproduction if thr nucleus of a cell were not present?

The cell would not reproduce if the nucleus is not present

Why is the nucleus considered the boss of the cell?

the nucleus controls what does in and out of the cell.

What is an enucleated cell?

An enucleated cell is a cell that has had its nucleus removed. This means it lacks genetic material and cannot replicate or perform certain functions that require nuclear activity. Red blood cells are an example of enucleated cells in the human body.

What would happen if the nuclear membrane was missing in a cell?

Since the nucleus is known as "the brain of the cell", if it were removed, the cell would die almost instantly. The nucleus controls all of the cell organelles, whether it be the mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes, cytoplasms, or even the nucleolus. So if the nucleus was removed, since it controls all of the organelles, the cell would die and so would the organism it is controlling.