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Q: What will happen to a lemonade can after been left on the side for 2 hours?
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What would happen if a prune was left in water for 24 hours?

it becomes slimy and not be consumed

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You will have a slightly higher utility bill

Ritin has 215 litres of lemonade of which he distributed 134 litre lemonade . how much lemonade left with him?

81 litres - without using a calculator !... assuming he's not drunk any himself !

What happen if pork set in the sun for long hours?

Pork left in the sun for long hours may be unsafe to eat. It should be thrown out.

The cheerleading committee bought 10 liters of lemonade There were 4 liters left over How much gallons of lemonade were used at the picnic-?

The cheerleading committee used about l.5 gallons of lemonade.

Jeanne made 5 pitchers of lemonade each pitcher served 9 customers at her lemonade stand if Jeanne had 1 pitcher of lemonade left how many custOrmers did Jeanne serve?


What can happen if you eat string cheese left out in the sun for more than 3 hours?

It will be melted and you can get sick.

What will happen to bacteria that is on food which has been left out in a warm kitchen?

They will increase in number.

The cheerleading committee bought 10 liters of lemonade There were 4 liters left over How much gallons of lemonade were used at the picnic?

The cheerleading committee used six liters of lemonade which equals to about 1.5 gallons.

Is it safe to eat cooked meatloaf that has been left out over night covered?

It is not safe for a person to eat meatloaf that has been left out on the counter for 2 hours. The meatloaf should be refrigerated and consumed or frozen after it has been cooked.

How can you make a living aquarium out of lemonade and a cardboard box?

Neutralize the acid in the lemonade using a buffer. Then distill the lemonade until you are left with pure water. Then trade the carboard box to a dummy for a glass aquarium. Either that or put the lemonade into your eye, cut yourself with the box paper, and get a life.